Monday, August 13, 2012

monday moods...

Can't get out of my lazy chair. Have to have three cups of coffee, before I can even think about the word WORK...
Am I the only one at the office? I guess so...

Images by
1. Paulo Mendes da Rocha at designboom
2. amanda rodriguez
3. object

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

playing with energy...

I wish I had invented this.
As part of his senior thesis exhibition at Musashino Art University in Tokyo, art student Yasutoki Kariya re-imagined the ubiquitous desktop gadget, Newton’s Cradle, using a lovely sequence of light bulbs. Entitled Asobi (which translates roughly as “playing“) the 11-bulb installation creates a visual interpretation of the popular toy named after Sir Isaac Newton demonstrating his third law of motion regarding momentum: that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
I think I will use this last line as my quote for today. Just going a little deeper...